Thursday, October 31, 2019
Magnet Designation (Massachusetts General Hospita, Boston) Assignment
Magnet Designation (Massachusetts General Hospita, Boston) - Assignment Example It aims at demonstrating how the â€Å"forces of magnetism’’ required by the American Nurses Credentialing Centre are epitomized and show how the standards set for Magnet Recognition are met. Also, at the end of the paper my stance or personal opinion in regard to the organization discussed will be publicized. The notion of Magnet can be traced back to 1983 when ‘American Academy of Nursing Task Force on Nursing Practice’ personnel carried out a study to determine factors that attracted excellent nurses to continue delivering those excellent healthcare services and it is this that the organizations/hospitals that were studied, 41 were labelled ‘magnet’ hospitals because they retained excellent nurses although there was scarcity of nurses. This was the onset of Magnet Recognition Programme as the Board of Directors at the American Nurses Association permitted Magnet Programme to be managed and run by American Nursing Credentialing Centre (ANNC) in 1990. Massachusetts General Hospital is privileged to have earned Magnetic Status; a certification considered to be the upmost honour in the nursing brilliance. It swanks to have become the first hospital to have earned this (Magnet) status in the United States in 2003.Achieving this was indeed not a single event but an intensive process that involved so many stages. After the application was written and received, a meticulous evaluation was conducted by very conscientious and keen personnel from ANNC in which both written and observed proof to verify that the nursing services offered at the hospital met the standards of excellence at the ANNC. Support documents of about 2600 pages were forwarded to the ANNC; which convinced them to come to make an on-site observation (American, 2004). A team of ANNC evaluators finally came to the hospital and spent three days to examine service delivery, inter-group work relationship, adherence to standards of practice, leadership practice, and certifica tion
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Love in Different Country Essay Example for Free
Love in Different Country Essay Studying in the U.S. for nearly a year, I learned a lot of knowledge and I made a lot of friends. Some of them are foreigners. This years study is very effective for me. In the United States, I found some phenomenons are different between my country and the U.S. Now I mainly want to talk about love in the U.S. and China. The United States is a free country. The United States advocates free development. It pays attention to every persons personality. Some American friends told me that love is very easy in the United States. Both men and women like each other, then they can fall in love. The parents will not hinder the childs decision. So children can choose their partner if they want. In China, love and marriage is a very serious and very important thing. The parents always provide a lot of requirements to their children. For example, if my child is a boy, I will tell him, â€Å"Your wife in the future must be a very nice woman. Her family condition must be consistent with our condition.†because in China, many parents consider that only if both parties are consistent with their conditions, the future life can help each other, and the lives will be happy. In my opinion, I think the two points of view are so different, but each opinion has its reason. My questions are: What makes loving anybody in the United States not similar? How do different people in the U.S. falling in love It also represents the different cultures between China and the U.S. If I were allowed to choose which waysuits me, I will choose the American way because I love freedom. Notes: This needs more information in the second and third paragraphs about the reasons why each country has these â€Å"rules†about love. Then, in the conclusion, you can talk about how freedom is an American trait of love and that these reasons are why you want to choose an American style of love or choosing a partner.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
nominated sub-contractor
nominated sub-contractor 1.0 Introduction Until the mid 1970s, there were only two categories of sub-contract, which are nominated and domestic. A nominated sub-contract is where a sub-contractor is selected and appointed/ nominated by the client. The client instructs the main contractor, through the architect, to use the nominated sub-contractor for an element of work, usually an engineering package such as piling, ME services or structural frame; the main contractor must use the quotation obtained by the client as the sub-contract sum. A nominated sub-contractor is often appointed after the main contractor has started work, so one of the client benefits is that specialist design can continue after work has commenced on site.A prime cost sum is included within the main contractors tender document (a bill of quantities or specification of work). On top of this the main contractor is required to price overheads, profit and any items of attendance it has to provide, such as the use of site facilities, provision of a secure storage area etc. The value of the prime cost sum is omitted from the Bill of Quantities and replaced by the nominated subcontractors accepted quotation and the main contractors on costs are adjusted as appropriate. On the other hand, a domestic sub-contractor is selected and appointed by the contractor using the specification issued by the clients consultants. The client has no input into the selection of that sub-contractor and often will not even know its identity. The rationale being that the client employs the main contractor to take responsibility for executing the work using whatever method he chooses, either by using its own operatives or by employing a sub-contractor. (CCL Department, 2005) Contractually named sub-contract is the same as a domestic sub-contract except the client states which contractors are acceptable without taking responsibility for their final selection and appointment. Brain E. Rawling Associates (2003) stated, it was due to such risks that in the late 1980s, Swire Properties Limited introduced into its contracts the concept of named subcontracting, to replace traditional nominated subcontracting with its potential risks to an employer. It was first formalised by the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) Intermediate Form of Contract in 1984. The named subcontracting concept requires names of would-be subcontractors to be furnished at the main contract tender stage by the consultants, for the main contractor to issue tender enquiries and for him to select the proposed named subcontractor. Further, after the award of the subcontract, the named subcontractor is treated like any other domestic subcontractor and the employer/architect have no obligation to re-nominate. 2.0 Review the Method of Appointing Specialist Contractor JCT SBC 98 2.1 Procedure for appointing Specialist Contractor for JCT SBC 98 Under JCT 98, Clause 35.6.1, The Architect/ Contract Administrator completes invitation to tender to Sub-Contractor in NSC/T Part 1; Under JCT 98, Clause 35.6.2, The Architect/ Contract Administrator completes the relevant section of Agreement NSC/W. The Architect/ Contract Administrator sends NSC/T Part 1 and Agreement NSC/W with drawings, specification, or bill of quantities, which describe of work, to those companies that the employer wishes to invite to tender. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.6.1, The tenderers complete the NSC/T Part 2 and relevant section of warranty in Agreement NSC/W and return both NSC/T Part 2 and NSC/W to the Architect/ Contract Administrator. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.6.3, The Architect/ Contract Administrator selects the Sub-Contractor, and arranges for the Employer to sign the selected Sub-Contractors tender to confirm his approval of it, and to execute the warranty in Agreement NSC/W. The Architect/ Contract Administrator using Nomination NSC/N to nominate the selected Sub-Contractor to Contractor. The Architect/ Contract Administrator sends a copy of the NSC/T Part 1 and NSC/T Part 2 to Contractor with the drawings, specification, or bill of quantities on which the tender was based and the executed warranty. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.5.1, once the Contractor receives of those documents, Contractor has the right to reject the selected Sub-Contractor in seven working days from the date of receipt of those documents, with a reasonable proposal rejection, to the Architect/ Contract Administrator. If Contractor does not exercise his right, he must reach agreement with the selected tenderer on the particular conditions in NSC/T Part 3. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.1.2, The Architect/ Contract Administrator either remove the objection of Contractor and Contractor shall comply with the Architect/ Contract Administrators instruction; or cancel the nomination of such Sub-Contractor, omitting the work by such Sub-Contractor and nominate another Sub-Contractor. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.7.1, when the particular conditions have been reaching, the Contractor and selected Sub-Contractor shall sign the NSC/T Part 3. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.7.2, Contractor shall execute the Agreement NSC/A, which incorporated by reference into Conditions NSC/C. Under JCT 98, Clause 35.7, The Contractor sends a copy of the signed NSC/T Part 3 and execute the Agreement NSC/A to the Architect/ Contract Administrator for his record. Chapter 3: Review the Method of Appointing Specialist Contractor JCT SBC 05 3.1 Procedure for appointing Specialist Contractor for JCT SBC 05 In JCT SBC 05, Nominated Sub Contract for JCT SBC 98 had been discontinued. Nominated Sub-Contract had been replaced by Domestic Sub-Contract and Named-Sub-Contract. In JCT SBC 05, the Private and Local Authority seditions have been combined. In JCT SBC 05, delay caused by Nominated Sub-Contractor or Nominated Supplier is not entitled to adjustment of completion date and loss and/or expenses. Under JCT 05, Clause 3.7.1, If the Contractor intention to sub-contract the whole or part of the Works, he shall inform the Architect/ Contract Administrator. The Contractor shall remain his responsibility although such Work had been subcontracted to Sub-Contractor. Under JCT 05, Clause 3.7.2, Contractor cannot sub-contract the Contractors Design Portion to Sub-Contractor without Employers consent. The Contractor shall remain his responsibility although such design had been subcontracted to Sub-Contractor. Under JCT 05, Clause 3.8.1, the Contractor shall name at least three persons in a list to the Contract Bills. Under JCT 05, Clause 3.8.2, the Employer behalf of the Architect/ Contract Administrator and the Contractor are able to add additional persons to the list before the sub-contract bound by writing. Under JCT 05, Clause, if the list is less than three persons, Employer behalf of the Architect/ Contract Administrator and the Contractor shall add the names of the other persons so that the list not less than three persons. Under JCT 05, Clause, if the list is less than three persons, the Work shall carried out by the Contractor, and may sub-contract the whole of part of the Work to any Sub-Contractor by consent of the Architect/ Contract Administrator. Contractor shall remain the responsibility of the Work as well. Such Sub-Contractor as known as Domestic Sub-Contractor. Under JCT 05, Clause, the succeed Sub-Contractor selected by Contractor, as known as Domestic Sub-Contractor. 4.0 Procedure for appointing Specialist Contractor for NEC3 ECC 05 Under NEC 3, clause 26.1, If the subcontractor nominated by Contractor, the Contractor is responsible for Providing the Work no matter the Contractor intention to subcontract work or not. Fee on Contractors own work using the direct fee percentage and a separate Fee on work done by a Subcontractor using the subcontracted fee percentage; For subcontracted work when assessing compensation events, may use a rate or lump sum by agreement in certain circumstances. Under NEC3 option B 05, Clause 26.2, the Contractor submits the name of each proposed Sub-Contractor to the Project Manager for acceptance. The Contractor cannot appoint a proposed Sub-Contractor until the Project Manager has accepted him. Project Manager may not accept the Sub-Contractor because of his appointment will not allow the Contractor to Provide the Works. Under NEC3 option B 05, Clause 26.3, the Contractor shall submit the proposed conditions of contract for each subcontract to the Project Manager for acceptance. Project Manager may not accept when the NEC Engineering and Construction Sub-Contract or the NEC Professional Services Contract is stated. Or the Project Manager has agreed that no submission is required. Under NEC3 option B 05, Clause 26.3, Project Manager shall accept the proposed conditions of contract before the contractor can appoint a Sub-Contractor. Project Manager may reject the appointment of the Sub-Contractor if the proposed conditions of contract not allow the Contractor Provide the Works. Or the proposed conditions of contract do not include a statement that parties to Sub-Contractor shall act in a spirit of mutual trust and co-operation. A person selected from the list by Project Manager shall be a Sub-Contractor, as known as Named Sub-Contractor. The Named Sub-Contractor is, for all intents and purposes, a Domestic Sub-Contractor. If Project Manager rejected the Sub-Contractor in the list based on NEC3 option B 05, Clause 26.3, Contractor has to amend the conditions of sub-contracting until the Project Manager had accepted it. Such delay, Contractor has to pay the loss and/or expenses occur during the delay. If Project Manager rejected the Sub-Contractor in the list not based on NEC3 option B 05, Clause 26.3, Contractor has to choose other Sub-contractors and named in the list. If Project Manager cannot give a reasonable reason of reject, such loss and/or expenses occur during delay shall Project Manager to bear. 5.0 Review the Nominated Sub-Contractor in UK 5.1 Review of Nominate Sub-Contractor used in previous contract form According to Electrical Mechanical Contractor Magazine (2005), the reasons for nomination are: The Client/ Employer can select the Specialist Contractor it wants, The Client/ Employer can obtain design and value engineering input and have direct access during the progress of works, delay can be prevented on the project as well. The Nominated Sub-Contractor benefits by having much greater certainty of payment. Atkinson, D. (1999), stated the reasons for nomination are: The Employer is able to choose which company he wishes to use and that decision does not have to be based on price. The Nominated Sub-Contractor can be involved early and so his design expertise and his knowledge of the contract and co-ordination of services can be utilised. The Nominated Sub-Contractor is made part of the contracting team being fully involved, if required. Clear contractual liability is established providing a clear line of responsibility to the employer. 5.2 Review of Nominated Sub-Contractor had been discontinued According to Electrical Mechanical Contractor Magazine, 2005. Most forms of contract allow the Contractor to claim an adjustment of completion date for delay caused by a Nominated Sub-Contractor, which the Contractor has taken all reasonable measures to prevent. In this situation, Contractor is easy to make a claim and very difficult to refute. Clients now prefer to pass on the risk of appointing Sub-Contractors to the Contractor. The naming procedure allows clients to keep some control on Sub-Contractor selection without having to take responsibility for performance. Karnick, M. (2009) stated that old nomination system may cause delay and Contractor entitled to adjustment of completion date and loss and/or expenses. To Employer/ Client Employer no needs to bear the cost of determination of the Domestic Sub-Contractor, but Named Sub-Contractor. More manageable of the progress of the sub-contract work, Contractor is not responsible for the delay of Nominated Sub-Contractor; but he is responsible for Domestic Sub-Contractor and Named Sub-Contractor. More manageable of the progress of the sub-contract work, Contractor is not responsible for defective design by Nominated Sub-Contractor; but he is responsible for Domestic Sub-Contractor. Employer/ Client can appoint Named Sub-Contractor at design stage before appoint the Contractor. Employer/ Client has a direct link with Sub-Contractor in respect of design. Employer/ Client has no responsibility for the performance of Named Sub-Contractor. But Contractor has no responsibility for the design work carried out by Named Sub-Contractor. The Client/ Employer or his Quantity Surveyor values the sub-contractors work. This valuation is shown as a separate amount on the Interim Certificate and is notified to the sub-contractor. In the event that the main contractor does not pay the stated amount by the due date, the Sub-Contractor can then ask for payment direct from the Client/ Employer. To Architect/ Contract Administrator/ Project Manager Architect/ Contract Administration/ Project Manager need to be consent if Contractor intended to nominate a Sub-Contractor. To Quantity Surveying The Client/ Employer or his Quantity Surveyor values the sub-contractors work. This valuation is shown as a separate amount on the Interim Certificate and is notified to the sub-contractor. In the event that the main contractor does not pay the stated amount by the due date, the Sub-Contractor can then ask for payment direct from the Client/ Employer. 6.0 Conclusion Contract forms need to be updated, amended, merged and retired to reduce the conflict of the contract. In JCT SBC 05, Nominated Sub-Contractor had been discontinued because of many conflicts happened in past few years from 2005. Nominated Sub-Contractor had been discounted to improve the management of the progress of the sub-contract work. Previously, Contractor will not responsible for the Nominated Sub-Contractors delay, and Contractor entitled to Adjustment of Completion Date and loss and/or expenses. Nowadays, Contractor is more responsible for sub-contract work. In my opinion, I think that the new Specialist Sub-Contractor appointment procedures had makes it simpler. Due to many conflict happened between Nominated Sub-Contractor and Contractor, this is one of the solution to lower the conflict. Sub-Contractor and Contract shall have mutual trust and co-operation to each other. Besides, I think the new Specialist Sub-Contractor appointment procedures will really helps in the management of the progress of the sub-contract works. Contractor will more care about the sub-contract works, and ensure the sub-contract works always in schedule and maintain with good quality. There is no best way to reduce the construction conflict to zero, but to prevent the conflict happened. I think this Specialist Sub-Contractor appointment system may help in reduce conflict in construction industry. 7.0 Reference Alberta Labour Relations Board, (2002). True Employer and Subcontractor [pdf] 1 June. [Last Accessed 25 July 2009] Atkinso.D, (1999). Subcontracting [online] 1 June. [Last Accessed 25 July 2009] Barnes, P., 2008. JCT 05 06 Contracts. [pdf] 25 January. Available at: [Last accessed on 26 July 2009] Brand, D., 2009. Contract nominations. [Online] 5 January. Available at: [Last accessed on 23 July 2009] Brian, E. Rawling Associates, 2003. Nominated or Names? [pdf] 27 September. Available at: [Last accessed on 26 July 2009] CCL Department, 2005. What Sort of Subbie Are You? [pdf] March. Available at: [Last accessed on 23 July 2009] Chappell, D. (2007). Understanding JCT Standard Building Contracts. 8th Edi. Taylor Francis. London New York. Karnick, M., 2009. Nominating the best project subcontractors. [Online] 12 July. Available at: [Last accessed on 23 July 2009] Murdoch, J. Hughes, W. (2009). Construction Contracts: Law and Management. Taylor Francis. London New York. Office Of Government Commerce (2005). NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract: Option B: Priced Contract with Bill of Quantities. 3rd ed., Great Britain, Bell Bain Limited. Price, J. (1994). Sub-Contracting under the JCT Standard Form of Building Contract. Macmillan. Ryland, J., 2004. Nominated Sub-contractors- Whats in name? [pdf] 2 January. Available at: [Last accessed on 23 July 2009] RICS, 2005. A comprehensive guide to help you move from JCT 98 to JCT 05. [pdf] 3 May. Available at: [Last accessed on 26 July 2009] Standard Form of Building Contract (1998). Local Authorities with Quantities. Great Britain, The Joint Tribunal Limited
Friday, October 25, 2019
Public Relations :: essays research papers
     How many people really do dream? Everyone dreams, whether the dream is remembered or not. Throughout the night, there are many stages of sleep that everyone goes through. These stages include light sleep, deep sleep, and dream sleep. Nightmares are also considered dreams, just caused by different emotions. Scientists also have many electrical appliances and have done many tests to study dreams.      Dreams are very complex things. Scientists have a hard time trying to understand why people dream. Although recently, neurosurgery’s precise methods of research and invention of sophisticated electrical appliances, have enabled the scientists to increase their knowledge of the human brain, nervous systems, and the body’s biochemistry (Strachey 20). The invention of the electroencephalograph, otherwise known as an EEG, has made it possible for a trained operator to read the brain’s reactions during wakefulness, rest, and sleep (Schneider). The machine detects and enormously amplifies the very faint electrical impulses produced by the brain; placing electrodes against subjects scalp (Freud). â€Å"Professor Nathanial Kleitman of Chicago university, discovered that babies have a sleep rhythm of fifty to sixty minutes after which they are inclined to wake up, although obviously they can’t always†(Freud). As children grow, the body be gins to develop the ninety-minute cycle associated with adult sleepers. The pattern of sleep is acquired and controlled by environmental and social conditioning. However, as people grow older the body tends to revert to the naptime habits of babyhood (Freud). Yet, though people more or less choose when to sleep, the basic ninety-minute rhythm remains. It is biological and not controlled by consciousness, rather as a healthy person’s metabolism functions autonomously (Parker 93). â€Å"Eugene Aserinsky noticed that after an infant fell asleep it’s eyes moved beneath the closed lids. Also, at intervals during sleep and was the first movement when the baby began to wake†(Freud). Kleitman and Aserinsky decided to investigate whether such a pattern could be found in adult sleepers as well (Freud). By attaching extra electrodes from the EEG machine to areas around volunteer sleeper’s eyes, the two scientists were able to monitor brain impulses and movements, wh ile measuring respiration and body movements (Freud). The scientists concluded that there were two types of eye movement. Slow as found in babies and very fast movements, this could last from a few minutes to over a half an hour (Freud). These rapid eye movements, which are commonly known as REMs appeared to occur at intervals throughout the night (Beare).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marketing mix in a business
Paraded Sahara Part 1 (a) The marketing mix is a strategy tool used to formulate a plan for product development and promotions in a business. Examining the mix for the company Bottle Green may help Simon Speers, Company Owner, see the strengths and weaknesses of the business whilst considering its growth potential. The four core elements of marketing mix are product, place, price and promotion.Products: A range of cordial drinks, mostly elderflower but has a growing range including flavors such as, ginger and lemongrass, Cox's apple and Victoria plum. The product is tangible and has a core benefit of quenching thirst. The quality, brand name and packaging may also be a benefit to a consumer who considers their image and how others perceive them. The product life cycle as many others will go through the five phases; development, introduction, growth, maturity and decline. This is why it is important for the company to have new products lined up in order to boost sales.Place: Bottle Gr een distributes to and sells products in supermarkets, Waitress being he single biggest customer, also to tea rooms and small outlets. The company also exports to Sweden and Canada at present. Bottle Greens distribution is out-sourced, this may be a benefit as having another company deal with the logistical area of the business could save time and enable that time to be focused on a more valuable area, such as promotions. Price: Bottle Green Cordial drink is priced Just under E, I assume this is a cost based price.Simon Speers describes the bottle as ‘chic' and hopes for it to be on the dinner tables of the nations middle class. With this premium rand image and quality product it has a competitive price when comparing it to other rival brands. For example, the sparkling soft drink produced by company Seller is currently priced at E. 25 for a mall bottle and Bottle Greens price for a similar product is E. 39 for a mall bottle. Promotion: Bottle Green has a good brand image and has built up brand awareness amongst customers.Not only does the business have a great social media profile, it also sends out samples and recipes to TV chefs who are key influencer in the public eye. Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith being two TV hefts who have given positive feedback and influenced sales to rise. Another area I would like to focus on is purchasing. The bulk of Bottle Greens elderflower comes from the company farm in Clotheshorse and the rest is imported from Hungary. Sugar forms the basis of the cordial drink and this is a problem for Speers.Currently purchasing sugar at Euro-sugar price which is higher than world-sugar price by approximately 2% per tone. At present the business is purchasing at a fixed price but any movement in the wrong direction on the foreign exchange markets will mean further expense for Bottle Green. Part 1 (b) Expert Jeanine Woodcock, managing partner at Bottle Green has some suggestions which mainly focus on promotions of the business. Engaging with customers through the social media profile where customers can discuss stories in reference to the products was one suggestion.This will encourage existing and new customers to advertise the business via word of mouth and the internet. By doing this alongside another of Woodcocks suggestions, researching current customer interests and behavioral patterns, Bottle Green will have a deeper understanding of its statistics and core demographic. This will enable the business to see its strengths and weaknesses in promotions and take action where necessary. The expert also suggests sponsoring a typically British unique and authentic event. This could potentially engage more customers and raise brand awareness which should in turn increase sales.Another expert Joe Whiteouts, deputy director at Bottle Green makes suggestions that focus on product, place and promotion. One suggestion was elderflower capsules that could be added to water and be sold where water based drinks are prepared, for example, offices that use water dispensers. This product development will enable the business to target a new market with a unique new product. Another suggestion was to target the vending machine market, this would put the product in a new place where it would compete with the competition of other soft drink retailers.The final suggestion was to supply schools with recipes in May and June when elderflower is in blossom. The idea that this campaign could be competition based would give potential customers an incentive to engage with the product. It was also suggested that the idea could be pitched as a new healthier alternative to the normal range, this would allow the business to branch out into yet another area of the market. These suggestions could possibly raise brand awareness and bring new customers which would in turn bring more revenue.The business would also have new products in the market beginning a new life cycle. Part 1 (c) The weaknesses I can see in Bottle Greens marketing mix are a lack of product range, the high purchase cost of sugar and the lack of promotion. Firstly I would take the advice of the expert Joe Whiteouts and introduce a new product and a healthier alternative range. This would bring interest from new areas in the market and potentially increase sales. Secondly I would work on the current promotional schemes, I would take the advice of both experts when it comes to promoting the business.Using the social media profile is possibly the quickest, most efficient way to advertise and promote the company in a finance friendly manner. Thirdly sponsoring events and school campaigns are also good ideas, not only British events and British schools but also International events and schools to encourage the potential growth overseas. Fourthly I would branch out and advertise on TV, this is a age opportunity to reach out to millions of potential customers. Finally I would do extensive research on sugar suppliers and try to find a cheape r alternative, this could save the company money and also increase gross profit.I would achieve these goals by working with specific areas in the business such as, the product development team, purchasing team, marketing and promotions team and also the two experts to create new products with a marketing strategy to launch the business into its next level. If all the suggestions were carried out and successful I believe that with rotgut development, increased brand awareness and promotional advertising the business would be in a better financial position and potential growth not only in the I-J but also overseas would look encouraging.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Beyond Petroleum focuses on sustainability Essay
1) Based on the history of the company, why did BP get involved in so much questionable conduct? The reason why BP got involved in so much questionable conducts is because at first they didn’t want to spend the money on fixing the stuff. They have been ignoring all these red flags and at the end they ended up spending much money. They could of saved a lot of money if they had fixed the problem before the incident occurred. The reason why they ended having so much trouble is because they didn’t take care of their stakeholders. Their major concern in those types of business should be the safety of their employees. We all know that those places aren’t the safest place in the world, which is why BP has to make sure to keep their workers in a safe environment. 2) Analyze BP’s efforts to improve sustainability. Do you think they are sufficient, or does the company need to do more? At first I didn’t think that BP’s has been to sustainable. If you look at their history they have been going up and down pretty quit often which isn’t a good example of sustainability. If they didn’t have all these problems in the past we could say that they are sustainable but with all the incident that occurred in the past few years it is going to be hard to defend them on that side. Lately they have been investing a lot of their investments green wise in order to improve their image. They have been contributing a lot in the wind farms, the solar system and in the Biofuel. Which is really good for the company, their stakeholders and for the world in general. The more companies start going green wise the less we will destroy our planet. 3) Do you believe the BP code of conduct and ethics initiatives will prevent future misconduct? I think that BP’s has been trying a lot of things in the past few years to show the good example. Maybe they have done a lot of mistakes in the past, but we can’t always think negative. They code of conduct could only bring good things within the company. The fact that they make a universal code of conduct through out all their enterprise in the world was a huge step for them. They are trying their best to prove to the world that they aren’t that bad, and that even oil companies who tempts to destroy our planet with their gasoline can try to save some parts of their mistakes.
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