Monday, August 24, 2020
Applications Of Chemical Equilibrium In Industrial Processes Environmental Sciences Essay
Utilizations Of Chemical Equilibrium In Industrial Processes Environmental Sciences Essay From the basic procedures of disintegration and crystallization in an immersed sugar answer for a confused mechanical procedure of oxidation and decrease in industry concoction harmony assumes a significant job. Compound harmony is the parity in the pace of two contradicting reversible responses with no change applied to the framework with applied consistent weight and temperature. In a framework where carbon monoxide is responding with oxygen gas to shape carbon dioxide there will be amount of carbon monoxide left in the answer for whatever length of time that the response is put. This is because of this response being a reversible response, despite the fact that carbon monoxide and oxygen gas are incorporating to frame carbon dioxide, a negating reversible response is occurring, the disintegration of carbon dioxide to shape carbon monoxide and oxygen gas. Figure 1: Chemical EquilibriumAs appeared in Figure 1, in a reversible procedure, the pace of response for items transforming into reactants [forward reaction] eases back down as more reactants are changed into items all the while the pace of response of items changing into reactants [backwards reaction] accelerates. At a specific time for a particular temperature and weight, the pace of response for both would be equivalent with no further change in the system.reaction-rate-time-graph.gif All things considered, when the framework is under impact of an adjustment in temperature or weight the reversible response would be influenced. Le Chateliers rule sums up this in if a framework in balance is exposed to a pressure the harmony will move toward the path which will in general remember the pressure. (Le Chateliers Principle) In the event that the framework is affected by a temperature adjusting the framework will restrict this change. On the off chance that an expansion in temperature causes the increment in the pace of an endothermic response then the framework will restrict this response by bringing down the temperature consequently preferring the endothermic response. Likewise, in the event that the reduction in temperature builds the pace of the endothermic response, at that point the framework restricts this worry by preferring the exothermic response. Weight, is another variable contributing in influencing the condition of harmony that influences vaporous response as it were. In the event that an expansion in pressure is applied, at that point the framework restricts this change by meaning to bring down the weight preferring the side with less gas particles. Similarly, on the off chance that a decline in pressure is applied, at that point the framework restricts this change by expanding the weight preferring the side with increasingly vaporous atoms. A few procedure in industry rely upon Le Chateliers guideline, the Haber-Posch process, the contact procedure, and the Ostwald procedure. In the Haber procedure nitrogen gas from air responds with hydrogen gas from petroleum gas [mainly methane] so as to give smelling salts gas. Since alkali is an essential substance in farming for the assembling of composts it is indispensable to create however much as could reasonably be expected in the most minimal time conceivable. N2(g) + 3 H2(g) is in harmony with 2 NH3(g) ΆH=-92KJ mol-1 The past condition shows the compound condition for the development of smelling salts. So as to acquire the most noteworthy measure of smelling salts the response should be invigorated forward. An expansion in weight would impact the framework. By expanding the weight, the framework will restrict this worry by diminishing the weight preferring the side with less gas particles consequently the forward response giving more smelling salts gas. The procedure happens in a weight of 200 atm. Since enthalpy of response is negative, at that point the forward response is an exothermic response. To actuate the framework into assembling further smelling salts gas the temperature should be brought down. However, the low temperature would cause less crashes between particles making the procedure take additional time. A trade off is placed enthusiastically. The temperature is expanded to 400-450ËÅ ¡C with including an iron impetus. The iron impetus deals with bringing down the actuation vitality required for the response to happen along these lines guaranteeing that response requires some serious energy in as brief timeframe period as could reasonably be expected. (Clark,1) Nitrogen gas is effortlessly melted under high weights and is gathered isolating it from nitrogen and hydrogen gas which are reused. Like the Haber Process, the contact procedure is an exothermic response where sulfur dioxide gas is oxidized to create sulfur trioxide, an underlying advance into framing sulphuric corrosive. (Clark,1) 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) is in balance with2 SO3(g) ΆH=-197KJ mol-1 In this procedure additionally, a high temperature of around 400-450ËÅ ¡C is utilized with vanadium pentaoxide impetus and a high weight of 100-200kPa. What's more, the Ostwald procedure is in which nitric corrosive is shaped in a few stages; the oxidation of smelling salts is an exceptionally exothermic response which happens in it. (Clark,1) 4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g) is in harmony with4 NO2(g) + 6 H2O(g) Þ†=-950KJ mol-1 To protect the most elevated conceivable measure of nitrogen dioxide shaped a high weight is utilized, with an extraordinary temperature of 900ËÅ ¡C and a platinum-rhodium impetus. (Clark,1) Albeit adequate answers for creating basic items were acquired, restrictions are discovered while thinking about the monetary factor. In the contact procedure, utilizing a platinum impetus would be increasingly productive yet since it is exceptionally costly and powerless to harming in this way the platinum-rhodium impetus is utilized. Also, high weight is costly to deliver. In the first place, incredibly solid funnels and regulation vessels should be worked to withstand such weight, and the upkeep and running of high weights are exorbitant. (Clark,1) Nitric corrosive is broadly utilized in gems industry, when joined with hydrochloric corrosive it structures Aqua Regia, a reagent that is fit for dissolving significant metals, for example, gold and platinum. It was regularly utilized in 1940 and 1965 as an oxidizer in fluid charge rocket motors. (Article Trader) The Haber procedure has been distinguished as earth ruinous. It unexpected the nitrogen cycle, dirties ground water, and expands the degrees of air nitrogen dioxide, a potential ozone depleting substance. However, in the event that it wasnt for nitrogen manures ranchers wouldnt have the option to prosperous so much. Sulphuric corrosive may give indications of mischief and injury on plants lessening yield of specific harvests, it might likewise break down in water beads in mists causing corrosive downpour. It brings about the harming of natural life and vegetation. Corrosive downpour near ground level can likewise make harming building and resolutions. Then again, sulphuric corrosive may decrease the intrusion of bugs or contagious maladies on plants making plants become more advantageous. In like manner, Nitric corrosive assumes a significant job in horticulture shaping ammonium nitrate composts. (Condition Agency) In the wellbeing factor, the extreme presentation to sulfur dioxide may hurt the eyes lungs and throat. Moreover, nitric corrosive is exceptionally destructive to the eyes, skin, and mucous film. (Condition Agency)Contact with weaken nitric corrosive focuses may cause skin aggravation, profound difficult consumes, and solidifying of epidermis, while eye to eye connection may cause serious consumes and changeless harm. Inward breath of high focuses may cause respiratory aggravations with conceivable lethal impacts. Ingestion of nitric corrosive outcomes in the consuming and erosion of mouth, throat, and stomach. A portion of 10mL is deadly to people. (Article Trader) Science has demonstrated to deliver different arrangements. Science is no different piece of industry. It furnishes it with the most appropriate and detestable answers. Concoction harmony assumes a significant job in helping to give the most extreme convergence of item required. A few clashes and harming elements may be the aftereffect of such modern procedures yet are on the whole principle explanation for raising and the flourishing of the human culture.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market structures in practice at Unilever deviate
Market structures practically speaking at Unilever go amiss Market structure is the way where a company experience rivalry during the conveyance of products and ventures. The structures are dynamic and the two boundaries do exist contingent upon the market in which one is working and the sort of merchandise being managed. The hypothetically existing business sector structures are: flawless rivalry, monopolistic rivalry, oligopoly and restraining infrastructure. Out of these current market structures, it is absurd to expect to single out one to be winning in the Unilever items showcase. This so in light of the fact that there is no obvious separating between them. In any case, immaculate rivalry is a far much unmistakable structure from the other three structures. Unilever has a wide scope of its buyer items in circulation around the world. The partnerships complexities in authoritative structure combined with an extensive arrangement of items have made the Unilever organization work in all market structures aside from impeccable rivalry. Flawless rivalry wins when there are numerous venders and purchasers present in a market. This implies no single player will acquire a lot of impact the whole market. The nearness, withdrawal or change of procedure by a wholesaler in this market structure has an irrelevant impact in cost and request. The market powers are left to take their full swing activity. In this market, the customers see all items to be indistinguishable in this way determination of an item to be bought is unpredictable. Be that as it may, this isn't case in most family shopper items. Customers are delicate in the determination of such items, particularly those that influence their wellbeing and outward presentation. The previous referenced broad arrangement of Unilever house hold items influences the last shoppers wellbeing and appearance. This impacts either moment or long haul are apparent in its promoting motto; adding essentialness to life. By considering the partnerships profile, Unilever isn't the sort where its essence in the market can't be felt by individual contenders just as customers. Along these lines, saying that an ideal rivalry is the sort of market structure wherein Unilever is working will be a finished misrepresentation. Monopolistic rivalry wins when there are scarcely any limitations to the section of the market. The nearness of a partnership in the market will in this manner be controlled by it imagination and capacity to defeat the couple of existing limitation. Such limitations may not really be financial yet rather anything which may hinder the development and execution of a player in that specific market. The numerous organizations working in this sort of market structure have little to impact since they have little piece of the overall industry. Unilevers piece of the overall industry can't be summed up as little comprehensively yet rather to a great extent factor. It is subject to geological broadening described by development and wandering into developing markets. The part of little piece of the pie may not be totally excused however can be expressed as a genuinely potential situation to happen. This is clear in the entrance in to the new markets previously colonized by contenders just as c ircumstances where others are demonstrating too solid to even consider eating into the enterprises piece of the pie. The items for this situation are exceptionally particular consequently one can without much of a stretch separate between results of various organizations. The Unilever items can without much of a stretch be recognized and are accessible in an enormous ocean of family unit items from which a purchaser browses. The advertising planners in Unilever should along these lines apply non-value rivalry techniques. Promoting is the most widely recognized non-value technique accessible for Unilever, where individual market players have close substitutes of its items. Another apparatus being used by the company is the turning out of a yearning innovative work program which has seen it convey the most ideal imaginative plans of items. Every one of these qualities portray a monopolistic rivalry which gets one of the predominant market structures. Oligopolistic showcase structure exists when a couple of firm overwhelm market and accordingly appreciates a larger part of market income. This is obvious in its piece of the overall industry which as indicated by Fortune 500 rundown of enormous organizations in Europe, it income was at $ 45,679 million which put them at fifty-fourth opening in the year 2000. This telling piece of the pie combined with European Union tough normalization rules makes it difficult for new items to hit the market. The Restraining infrastructure then again implies that there is just a single provider. Along these lines there is no opposition anticipated. The sole provider directs the costs, flexibly amounts and the quality control. This theoretical structure barely wins except if there are impacts from controllers like governments and different specialists enabled by settlements and universal understandings. There are high obstructions making it absolutely inconceivable for different firms to enter the market. It is difficult to encounter this sort of a market structure as of now. It must be seen in particular items appropriated by the administration because of their tendency to impact the national security. We can in this way certainly excuse this structure to be non-existing in Unilevers items. To total everything, all market structures with the exception of restraining infrastructure are by and by at Unilever. Anyway the ideal monopolistic structure conveys less weight in light of the fact that the total piece of the pie of this company is sufficiently large to shake off potential high gauge contender. Any association keen on the assembling and appropriation of family unit merchandise can just best by either diversifying or converging with Unilever. The union of European assets through European Unions disposal of exchange boundaries and limitations has concocted broad open doors just as difficulties for standard associations. For Unilever, it is an incredible achievement all things considered for other worldwide associations to see various districts get in to understandings of framing exchanging alliances. The typically intricate administration structure can be rearranged through production of local workplaces. The premise of such provincial workplaces will be the preset c oalitions. Connection between showcase powers and Unilevers reaction Market powers are the interest and flexibly which is an impression of all cost cognizant dealers and purchasers of the items accessible in the market. The wants of venders and purchasers are in the two extraordinary closures. Dealers will need the most noteworthy potential costs while purchasers need to claim the merchandise for nothing if conceivable. Since taking products uninhibitedly is absurd they are accordingly requesting least costs conceivable. The cost is relied upon to go up with an expansion sought after while an overabundance gracefully will make the cost to fall. Such differed wants comprise endless market powers. It is worth to take note of that the market powers are just conceivable when there are no outside obstructions. The as of now referenced rich arrangement of Unilever items can be placed into the accompanying classes: washing powder and cleansers, drinks and spread and margarine. These items must draw in numerous purchasers just as makers being the quick moving shopper products requested by purchasers day by day. Truth be told the interest is ready to rise given the consistently rising populaces of the world joined by quick urbanization. It is the fantasy of each association in business to make benefit and decrease money surges however much as could be expected. Unilever being no special case has invested in a great deal of amounts of energy to remain up beat in order to keep up and develop its piece of the overall industry both in Europe and worldwide market. We are currently investigating its reaction to such powerful difficulties going with varieties in showcase powers, the real impacts in income and long haul notoriety of the organization. The organization has a purposeful exertion to monitor its piece of the overall industry. The fundamental quality of Unilever is the far reaching geological expansion of its items. These will mean the last returns in light of the fact that; the poor aftereffects of one locale are probably going to be padded by those of the other. To show this, the company was in activity in eighty eight unique nations in the year 2002. Supervisory crews in each area were given dynamic self-sufficiency so the items accessible for dispersion in their particular locales are customized to simply meet the shopper needs. This splendid methodology guarantees the evasion of out of date quality just as conveyance of the most applicable products in the market. Focusing on human capital offers huge chance to the drawn out procedure of the partnership. This worldwide association accepts that an exceptionally energetic human capital is going to affect decidedly on the general viewpoint. It is this explanation accordingly that has made the organization to contribute on HR improvement through enrollment and preparing of workers from differed orders and capabilities. To guarantee that each ability in the general public is used one can enter the companys stunning human asset through alumni student program or concentrated expertise direct passage. Another eminent system which may look a greater amount of government assistance based than financial is the plan and execution of a very much nitty gritty security, wellbeing and natural strategy. This has an enduring point of view and a wide concentration past what can be quickly observed. Be that as it may, there are transient advantages of this. A worker who is consistently security cognizant will convey preferred outcomes over the other who has no thoughtfulness regarding wellbeing. It is likewise significant that some monetary online journals like the European Union can't acknowledge a companys items if there isn't down to earth move to monitor and ensure nature. The latest model is the dark tea sourcing supportability responsibility which dropped by through the affirmation by Rain Forest Alliance. Among the quick advantages of this tea sourcing economically, Unilever has had the option to dispatch its Rain Forest Alliance consistent tea in the Europe
Monday, July 20, 2020
Learn Assertive Communication in 5 Simple Steps
Learn Assertive Communication in 5 Simple Steps Stress Management Management Techniques Print Learn Assertive Communication In 5 Simple Steps By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on November 11, 2019 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD Updated on February 13, 2020 Klaus Vedfelt / The Image Bank More in Stress Management Management Techniques Physical Techniques Relaxation Time Management Effects on Health Situational Stress Job Stress Household Stress Relationship Stress Assertive communication can strengthen your relationships by reducing stress from conflict and providing you with social support when facing difficult times. A polite but assertive ?no to excessive requests from others will enable you to avoid overloading your schedule and promote balance in your life. An understanding of assertive communication can also help you handle difficult family, friends, and co-workers more easily, reducing drama and stress. Ultimately, assertive communication empowers you to draw necessary boundaries that allow you to get your needs met in relationships without alienating others and without letting resentment and anger creep in. This helps you to have what you need in relationships while allowing your loved ones to have their needs met too. Although many people equate assertive communication with conflict and confrontation, assertiveness actually allows people to be closer. Assertive communication does take practice. Many people mistake assertiveness for aggressiveness, but assertiveness is actually the balanced middle ground between aggressiveness and passivity. Aggressiveness leads to hurt feelings and fractured relationships. Passivity leads to stress and resentment, and sometimes even lashing out in the end. Identify and Understand Passive-Aggressive Behavior Improve Your Communication Style Learning to speak assertively enables you to respect everyones needs and rightsâ€"including your ownâ€"and to maintain boundaries in relationships while helping others feel respected at the same time. These steps can help you to develop this healthy communication style (and relieve stress in your life in the process). 1. Be factual, not judgmental, about what you dont like. When approaching someone about a behavior you’d like to see changed, stick to factual descriptions of what they’ve done, rather than using negative labels or words that convey judgments. For example: Situation: Your friend, who habitually runs late, has shown up 20 minutes late for a lunch date.Inappropriate (aggressive) response: You’re so rude! You’re always late.Assertive communication: We were supposed to meet at 11:30, but now it’s 11:50. Don’t assume you know what the other person’s motives are, especially if you think they’re negative. In this situation, dont assume that your friend deliberately arrived late because they didnt want to come or because they value their own time more than yours. 2. Be accurate about the effects of this behavior. Dont judge or exaggerate. Being factual about what you dont like in someones behavior, without overdramatizing or judging, is an important start. The same is true for describing the effects of their behavior. Don’t exaggerate, label or judge; just describe: Inappropriate response: “Now lunch is ruined.â€Assertive communication: “Now I have less time to spend at lunch because I still need to be back to work by 1:00.†Body language and tone of voice matter in assertive communication. Let yours reflect your confidence: Stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and relax. Use a firm but pleasant tone. 3. Use “I messages.†When you start a sentence with “You...â€, it comes off as a judgment or an attack and puts people on the defensive. If you start with “I,†the focus is more on how you are feeling and how you are affected by their behavior. Also, it shows more ownership of your reactions and less blame. This helps minimize defensiveness in the other person, model the act of taking responsibility, and move you both toward positive change. For example: You Message: “You need to stop that!â€I Message: “I’d like it if you’d stop that.†When in a discussion, don’t forget to listen and ask questions! It’s important to understand the other person’s point of view. 4. Put it all together. Here’s a great formula that puts it all together: “When you [their behavior], I feel [your feelings].†When used with factual statements, rather than judgments or labels, this formula provides a direct, non-attacking, more responsible way of letting people know how their behavior affects you. For example: “When you yell, I feel attacked.†5. List behavior, results, and feelings. A more advanced variation of this formula includes the results of their behavior (again, put into factual terms), and looks like this: “When you [their behavior], then [results of their behavior], and I feel [how you feel].†For example: “When you arrive late, I have to wait, and I feel frustrated.†Or, “When you tell the kids they can do something that I’ve already forbidden, some of my authority as a parent is taken away, and I feel undermined.†Try to think win-win: See if you can find a compromise or a way for you both to get your needs met. In the case of the always-late friend, maybe a different meeting place would help them be on time. Or you can choose to make plans only at times when your schedule is more open and their lateness wont cause you as much stress. Communication Skills to Strengthen Any Relationship
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh - 1284 Words
Perhaps one of the earliest pieces of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh is a tale about a Mesopotamian king named Gilgamesh who crudely dominates the natural world surrounding his gleaming society. Juxtaposing Gilgamesh’s godlike stature, Enkidu is a wild beast used to counterbalance the king in a literary sense. The hierarchical dichotomy expressed in the epic has appeared thematically within numerous mediums, including the revered artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Raised in the Lower East Side (LES) of Manhattan, Basquiat created art that harshly critiqued the status of black individuals in America during the late 20th century. In particular, two of Basquiat’s paintingsâ€â€Untitled and Irony of Negro Policemanâ€â€parallel the domineering†¦show more content†¦Yet, when the gods learn that the king is a crazed despot, they decide to challenge his influence. Forged using raw clay, Enkidu is Gilgamesh’s near equal. Living in the untamed woods surrou nding Uruk, Enkidu is raised by animals and causes significant issues for the king’s subjects. Created from the earth, the savage is born and shaped by natural forcesâ€â€until a prostitute is sent into the wilderness to tame him. During the Mesopotamian era that Gilgamesh was written, women were considering a calming force. Lusting for sex has always been part of the human condition, and Enkidu is unable to resist assimilation. The animals who raised the beast begin to reject him, causing Enkidu to divorce nature and embark on a journey to confront the king’s rumored excess. After a brawl, Enkidu and Gilgamesh settle their differences and become companions throughout the remainder of the epic. Enkidu’s friendship does not calm Gilgamesh entirely, who is nevertheless eager to affect his will over nature. Admittedly, the connection thus far between Gilgamesh and Basquiat is seemingly ambiguous; however, a closer inspection of the LES reveals several immediate similarities. Basquiat’s neighborhood was once occupied by the native American Lenape tribe, which existed until the Dutch rapidly colonized the region. Traditionally considered an â€Å"immigrant†Show MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Analysis1436 Words  | 6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh –Summary and analysis Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is an excerpt of the original text of the Epic listed in the Sources of the Western Tradition, 5th edition, by Perry, Peden and Von Laue (2003). 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With the use of two very different yet so similar characters: Enkidu and Gilgamesh, the epic explains two aspects of same psyche, and different imageries, one of which is door, have been used in the text to explain interactions betweenRead MoreAnalysis Of The E pic Of Gilgamesh Essay1361 Words  | 6 PagesHERE As readers delve into the depths of The Epic of Gilgamesh, they perceive the allure to dreams which has captivated humanity for centuries. The epic poem uses dreams as a symbolic representation of the human mind and its ceaseless bounds. Given the Mesopotamian culture’s importance in regards to their religion, dreams provide the only means of one connecting with their future and deities. Furthermore, each mental fantasy referenced within the epic delineates the rationale of all beings to actRead MoreAnalysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh Essay1122 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh The epic of Gilgamesh is the earliest primary document discovered in human history dating back to approximately 2,000 B.C.E. This document tells a story of an ancient King Gilgamesh, ruler of Sumer in 2,700 B.C.E. who is created gloriously by gods as one third man and two third god. In this epic, Gilgamesh begins his kingship as an audacious and immature ruler. Exhausted from complaints, the gods send a wild man named Enkidu to become civilized and assist GilgameshRead MoreEpic Of Gilgamesh Literary Analysis1837 Words  | 8 Pagesmortality, divinity, punishments are told through stories of individuals and societies. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian book that was written long before the Bible. A comparison of the literary elements show several similarities that lead many religious and cultural scholars, as well as historians to contend that the accounts in the Old Testaments were derived from the Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Bible were both written as sources o f moral messages for religious practices and guidesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1311 Words  | 6 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is a very popular epic that is difficult to understand at first, which is why there is different translations of the same book. Although Foster and Sander’s translations have a lot of similar words and the stories are basically the same, there are also a lot of differences between the two. One of which is more straightforward and easier to understand, whereas the other is more of an in depth thoughtful read for the reader. Both translations differences have their own particularRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1449 Words  | 6 Pagesbeginning in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is a bully king who frightens and annoys the people of Uruk. After the gathering with Enkidu and becoming his friend does Gilgamesh transform, into a hero worthy of history. The brotherly or â€Å"bromantic†( considering the questionable r elationship they have) love the two have for each other helps Gilgamesh become an better leader to his people by permitting him to better understand and identify with them. Even though the myth of Gilgamesh is very ancientRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 979 Words  | 4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh tells the legend of King Gilgamesh of Uruk and his adventures with the feral human Enkidu. At the beginning Gilgamesh shares a lot of similarities to Egyptian Pharaohs. He’s worshiped by his people in a way that’s almost pious and holds himself up with a certain arrogance. The only difference with Gilgamesh is he is one part deity and two parts human. Over the coarse of the Epic we see Gilgamesh’s demeanor change to a more humble one. This change can be attributed to the trialsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 738 Words  | 3 PagesBaily Broussard Mr. Guidry World History 4 December 2015 The Epic of Gilgamesh In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh terrorizes the people or Uruk. Because of this, they call out to the sky god Anu for help. Anu decides to turn to the goddess of creation, Aruru whom makes an equal for Gilgamesh. Aruru created Enkidu to be just like Gilgamesh and for them to contend together and leave Uruk in quiet. When Gilgamesh got up and went to the house of a bride waiting for the bridegroom, Enkidu stepped outRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1119 Words  | 5 PagesTranslation Comparison Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh has been read and reviewed/ critiqued by numerous authors. I took the articles’ ‘Angiology in the Epic of Gilgamesh’ by Th. Jacobson, and compared it to Benjamin Fosters ‘A New edition of the Epic of Gilgamesh’ These two articles both critique the writings of The Epic of Gilgamesh but in different ways. Foster’s article is a critique on a critique that has been written about The Epic of Gilgamesh, where as Jacobson critiques the epic itself, so we are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society - 2773 Words
Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a relationship to control the other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one’s relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. Domestic violence can be in a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse, psychological abuse, and financial abuse. The occurrence of the violence can be sometimes on and off, occasional or long-lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violence as a simple argument, but that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and force to make someone do something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual violence, emotional insults and economic deprivation as a way to dominate their†¦show more content†¦Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private and shameful act, that’s why only a few women discussed their issue. Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists’ renamed wife beating as domestic violence, and described its victims as â€Å"battered women.†Many women searched for help all around, they needed protection. Activists created a system of shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their children, because the violence threatened by their spouse. Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by decades of growing unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as crime victims. Beginning in the 1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting concern from both the public and the federal government. Supplementing the concern for the nation’s rising violent crime rate was the concern for violence against women. In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal change regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude among both the public as well as the law enforcement community. During the 1970’s, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was wrong and that they had the right to be free from it. â€Å"We will not be beaten†became the slogan of the
Gulf Real Estates Free Essays
Case Problem1: Bock investment Services The goal of Bock Investment Services (BJS) is to be the leading money market advisory service in South Carolina. To provide better service for their present clients and to attract new clients, BIS developed a weekly newsletter. BIS is considering adding a new feature to the newsletter that will report the results of a weekly telephone survey of fund managers. We will write a custom essay sample on Gulf Real Estates or any similar topic only for you Order Now To investigate the feasibility of offering this service, and to determine what type of information to include in the newsletter, BIS selected a simple random sample of 45 money market funds. A portion of the data obtained is shown in Table below, which reports fund assets and yields for the past 7 and 30 days. Before calling the money market fund managers to obtain additional data, BIS decided to do some preliminary analysis of the data already collected. Managerial Report 1. Use appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize the data on assets and yields for the money market funds. 2. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean assets, mean 7-day yield, and mean 30-day yield for the population of money market funds. Provide a managerial interpretation of each interval estimate. 3. Discuss the implication of your findings in terms of how BIS could use this type of information in preparing their weekly newsletter. Data for Bock Investment Services Money Market Fund Assets ($ millions) 7-Day Yield (%) 30-Day Yield (%) Amcore103. 94. 104. 08 Alger156. 74. 794. 73 Arch MM/Trust496. 54. 174. 13 BT Instit Treas197. 84. 374. 32 Benchmark Div2755. 44. 544. 47 Bradford707. 63. 883. 83 Capital Cash1. 74. 294. 22 Cash Mgt. Trust2707. 84. 144. 04 Composite122. 84. 033. 91 Cowen Standby694. 4. 254. 19 Cortland217. 33. 573. 51 Declaration38. 42. 672. 61 Dreyfus4832. 84. 013. 89 Elfun81. 74. 514. 41 FFB Cash506. 24. 174. 11 Federated Master738. 74. 414. 34 Fidelity Cash13272. 84. 514. 42 Flex-fund172. 84. 604. 48 Fortis105. 63. 873. 85 Franklin Money996. 83. 973. 92 Freedom Money1079. 04. 074. 01 Galaxy Money801. 44. 113. 96 Government Cash409. 43. 833. 82 Hanover Cash794. 34. 324. 23 Heritage Cash1008. 34. 084 . 00 Infinity/Alpha53. 63. 993. 91 John Hancock226. 43. 933. 87 Landmark Funds481. 34. 284. 26 Liquid Cash388. 94. 614. 64 Market Watch10. 4. 134. 05 Merrill Lynch Money27005. 64. 244. 18 NCC Funds113. 44. 224. 20 Nationwide517. 34. 224. 14 Overland291. 54. 264. 17 Pierpont Money1991. 74. 504. 40 Portico Money161. 64. 284. 20 Prudential Money Mart6835. 14. 204. 16 Reserve Primary1408. 83. 913. 86 Schwab Money10531. 04. 164. 07 Smith Barnery Cash2947. 64. 164. 12 Stagecoach1502. 24. 184. 13 Strong Money470. 24. 374. 29 Transmerica Cash175. 54. 204. 19 United Cash323. 73. 963. 89 Woodward Money1330. 04. 244. 21 Case Problem 2: Gulf Real Estate Properties Gulf Real Estate Properties, Inc. is a real estate firm located in Southwest Florida. The company, which advertises itself as â€Å"expert in the real estate market,†monitors condominium sales by collecting data on location, list price, sale price, and number of days it takes to sell Sales Data for Gulf Real Estate Properties: Give View Condominiums No Gulf View Condominiums List Price Sale Price Days to Sell List Price Sale Price Days to Sell 495. 0475. 0130 217. 0 217. 0 182 379. 0350. 071148. 0135. 5338 529. 0519. 085186. 5179. 0122 552. 5534. 595239. 0230. 0150 334. 9334. 9119279. 0267. 5169 550. 505. 092215. 0214. 058 169. 9165. 0197279. 0259. 0110 210. 0210. 056179. 9176. 5130 975. 0945. 073149. 9144. 9149 314. 0314. 0126235. 0230. 0114 315. 0305. 088199. 8192. 0120 885. 0800. 0282210. 0195. 061 975. 0975. 0100226. 0212. 0146 469. 0445. 056149. 9146. 5137 329. 0305. 049160. 0160. 0281 365. 0330. 048322. 0292. 563 332. 0312. 088187. 5179. 048 520. 0495. 0161247. 0227. 052 425. 0405. 0149 675. 0669. 0142 409. 0400. 028 649. 0649. 029 319. 0305. 0140 425. 0410. 085 359. 0340. 0107 469. 0449. 072 895. 0875. 0129 439. 0430. 0160 435. 0400. 0206 235. 0 227. 91 638. 0 618. 0100 629. 0 600. 097 329. 0 309. 0114 595. 0555. 045 339. 0315. 0150 215. 0200. 048 395. 0375. 0135 449. 0 425. 053 499. 0 465. 086 43 9. 0 428. 5158 Managerial Report: 1. Use appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize each of the three variables for the 40 Gulf View condominiums. 2. Use appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize each of three variables for the 18 No Gulf View condominiums. 3. Compare your summary results. Discuss any specific statistical results that would help a real estate agent understand the condominium market. 4. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean sales price and population mean number of days to sell for Gulf View condominiums. Interpret your results. 5. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean sales price and population mean number of days to sell for No Gulf View condominiums Interpret your results. 6. Assume the branch manager requested estimates of the mean selling price of Gulf View condominiums with a margin of error of $40,000 and the mean selling price of No Gulf View condominiums with a margin of error of $15,000. Using 95% confidence, how large should the sample sizes be? . Gulf Real Estate Properties just signed contracts for two new listings: a Gulf View condominium with a list price of $589,000 and a No Gulf View condominium with a list price of $285,000. What is your estimate of the final selling price and number of days required to sell each of these units? a: sample mean +/- 1. 96*(st dev/sqrt(n)) 454222. 5 +/- 1. 96*192 517. 75/sqrt(40) 394560. 6312 513884. 3688 The 95% CI is ($394,560. 63, $513,884. 37). Using Excel: 59660. 7736 $394,561. 73 $513,883. 27 The 95% CI is ($394,561. 73, $513,883†¦ Case Problem 3 Metropolitan Research, Inc. Metropolitan Research, Inc. a consumer research organization, conducts surveys designed to evaluate a wide variety of products and services available to consumers. In one particular study, Metropolitan looked at consumer satisfaction with the performance of automobiles produced by a major Detroit manufacturer. A questionnaire sent to owners of one of the manufacturer’s full-sized cars revealed several complaints about early transmission problems. To learn more about the transmission failures, Metropolitan used a sample of actual transmission repairs provided by a transmission repair firm in the Detroit area. The following data show the actual number of miles driven for 50 vehicles at the time of transmission failure. 85,092 32,609 59,465 77,437 32,534 64,090 32,464 59,902 39,323 89,641 94,219 116,803 92,857 63,436 65,605 85,861 64,342 61,978 67,998 59,817 101,769 95,774 121,352 69,568 74,276 66,998 40,001 72,069 25,066 77,098 69,922 35,662 74,425 67,202 118,444 53,500 79,294 64,544 86,813 116,269 37,831 89,341 73,341 85,288 138,114 53,402 85,586 82,256 77,539 88,798 Managerial Report: 1. Use appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize the transmission failure data. 2. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the mean number of miles driven until transmission failure for the population of automobiles with transmission failure. Provide a managerial interpretation of the interval estimate. 3. Discuss the implication of your statistical finding n terms of the belief that some owners of the automobiles experienced early transmission failures. 4. How many repair records should be sampled if the research firm wants the population mean number of miles driven until transmission failure to be estimated with a margin of error of 5000 miles? Use 95 % confidence 5. What other information would you like to gather to evaluate the transmission failure problem more fully? How to cite Gulf Real Estates, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Lipids in Living Systems free essay sample
A look into the functioning of lipids in human systems. This paper looks at lipids and other fats of the body. The author discusses their composition and functions. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Triglycerides 3. Tables and Pictures 4. Waxes 5. Steroids 6. Cholesterol 7. Phospholipids 8. Glycolipids 9. Sphingolipids 10. Consumption of Lipids 11. Storage of Lipids 12. Lipid Oxidation 13. Lipid Bilayer 14. Atherosclerosis 15. Gallstones 16. Artheriosclerosis 17. Coronary Heart Disease 18. Conclusion From the paper: Lipids are hydrocarbons that are found in living systems in the environment. The main classes of lipids are triglycerides, waxes, steroids, phospholipids, gylcolipids, and sphingolipids (Glanze). The simplest lipid, which makes up the backbone of all of these, is the fatty acid (see page 2). The main characteristics that separate the different kinds of lipids are the derivatives, such as acids, alcohols, amines, amino alcohols, and aldehydes, found on the end of the hydrocarbons and their solubility in water. Most lipids are non polar and there for are not soluble in water but instead in fat solvents such as ether, chloroform, and benzene. We will write a custom essay sample on Lipids in Living Systems or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From these two basic distinctions, there are dozens of possible lipids that can be formed in nature and synthetically (Cooper).
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Example
In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Example In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Omar wants to cognize whether he can halt Sarah from runing the concern from her belongings and whether he can implement entree rights across her land. He would besides wish to cognize whether he could take a firm stand on the hard-on of a boundary wall and farther, guarantee a part towards the drainage disbursals he has incurred. Omar’s possible rights root from compacts which Natasha entered into with Paul and besides an involvement which may be an easement. First covering with the compacts: A compact is a promise made by title [ 1 ] . When the compacts were originally made, Natasha bore the load of these compacts whilst Paul had the benefit. [ 2 ] As Omar was non secluded to the original promises made by Natasha to Paul, he can merely hold gained their benefit if it passed to him with the land. Common jurisprudence has developed four conditions for the benefit to go through. First, the compact must ‘touch and concern’ the land of the covenantee. The trial here, laid down inSwift Investings[ 3 ],demands that: the compact lacks public-service corporation if separated from the land, must impact its value or quality, and be ‘non-personal’ in nature. Satisfaction of this trial may be contended in visible radiation ofCrest Nicholson[ 4 ] which states that whilst â€Å"the benefit of a †¦covenant must be annexed to place land†¦it can be so annexed for a limited clip ( such as whilst it remains the belongings of the current proprietor [ 5 ] ) .†[ 6 ] However, it seems on balance that the three compacts appear to fulfill this first status. Second, the purpose ( when doing the compact ) for the benefit to run must be evidenced, although by virtuousness of s78 LPA [ 7 ] this can now be inferred. Third, when the compact was made the covenantee must hold held the legal estate in the land. In this instance, Paul was the covenantee when the compacts were made and he was the freehold proprietor of the land to which the compacts relate. Finally, in order to implement the compacts, rubric must hold been derived from under the original covenantee. Omar’s rubric was derived from Paul ( the original covenantee ) . Appare ntly, Omar has the benefit of both positive and restrictive compacts. Sarah will merely bear the load of these rights if it has passed to her with the land. At common jurisprudence the load will non run [ 8 ] , but in equityTulk V Moxhay[ 9 ] well introduced non-statutory land planning [ 10 ] .Tulk V Moxhayis merely applicable to restrictive compacts and turns on the issue of ‘notice’ . The consequence is, for so long as Sarah had notice of the limitation to utilize the land for concern intents, she would hold the load of this compact. The other compacts are both positive in their nature. The House of Lords inRhone V Stephens[ 11 ] â€Å"definitely ruled that, in freehold land, the load of a positive compact can non in equity be enforced against replacements in rubric of the original covenantor†[ 12 ] . Using the fact that â€Å"the original covenantor remains apt on his covenant†[ 13 ] , Omar could potentially seek to implement his rights under the positive compact against Natasha. Of class, it is likely to be more convenient to seek to implement breaches of compact against Sarah as she is readily accessible. In conformity with usual pattern, it is likely that Natasha, in order to avoid liability for future breaches of compact, would seek an insurance from Sarah, yet Sarah may hold disputed this as Natasha had already breached the compact to raise the wall by transcending the clip status. In respect to the payment towards the care of the drainage, the regulation inHalsall V Brizell[ 14 ] should use. This regulation dictates that if the benefit of a compact is to be accepted so the load of the compact must besides be born. The application of this regulation means that as Sarah has the benefit of the drains she will besides hold assumed the load of this compact. Turning so to rede in regard of the two entree issues. First, there is the entree by route from Miskin Court to the North. Second, there is the cutoff which Omar’s household have enjoyed through the fencing. It must be asked whether there is an involvement nowadays with the features of an easement and if so, whether the easement was decently created. An easement is a right over a piece of land for the benefit of another piece of land. It is a proprietary involvement enjoyed by an estate proprietor and is merely accessory to the land.Re Ellenborough Park[ 15 ] gives the features of an easement: There must be both dominant and servient tenements, the involvement must suit the dominant tenement, there must be diverseness in ownership or business and the involvement must be capable of organizing the capable affair of a grant. It appears that the entree rights have the needed features of an easement. The easements have non been created expressly as they were non mentioned in the title of transportation. It would hold been utile for Paul to include an express reserve in the transference of conveyance to Natasha so that he could reserve the usage of the route to the North of Miskin Court. However, upon finding of the facts, it may be possible to reason the implied grant of easement of necessity. Sarah, as the current proprietor of the servient tenement, has the right to procure her land, but should supply Omar with a key. In respect to the cutoff, for an easement to be created by prescription, there must hold been 20 old ages uninterrupted usage, non by force, in secret or with permission. As Omar’s household have been utilizing this for ‘as long as he can remember’ it is possible that an easement would hold been created by prescription and he can implement this right, if necessary, by taking the obstructor which Sarah erected. It appears that Omar can asseverate and implement all of the rights addressed against Sarah, or in the instance of the wall, perchance against Natasha depending upon the facts. Bibliography Legislation Law of Property Act 1925 Land Registration Act 2002 Cases Crest Nicholson Residential ( South ) Ltd V McAllister[ 2004 ] EWCA Civ 410 [ 2004 ] 15 EGCS 105 Halsall V Brizell[ 1957 ] Ch 169 Keppell V Bailey( 1834 ) 2 My A ; K 517 Rhone V Stephens1994 2 AC 310 Re Ellenborough Park[ 1956 ] Ch 131 Swift ( P A ; A ) Investments V Combined English Stores Group[ 1989 ] AC 632 Tulk V Moxhay( 1848 ) 2 Ph 774 Webb V Russell( 1789 ) 3 Tr 393 Articles Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 1994, Nov/Dec Property Law Bulletin 2004, 25 ( 2 ) Text MacKenzie, J.-A. A ; Phillips, M.Textbook on Land Law,( 9Thursdayerectile dysfunction. Oxford University Press 2002 ) 1
Monday, March 2, 2020
Direct Speech Definition and Examples
Direct Speech Definition and Examples Direct speech is a report of the exact words used by a speaker or writer. Contrast with indirect speech. Also called direct discourse. Direct speech is usually placed inside quotation marks and accompanied by a reporting verb, signal phrase, or quotative frame. Examples and Observations A South Carolina parrot was the sole witness to the death by neglect of a 98-year-old woman. Help me, Help me, said the parrot. Ha ha ha!(reported in Harpers Magazine, February 2011)I went in search of the good beer. Along the way, I caught an intriguing snippet of conversation in the sunroom:â€Å"So if I win at that table, I’ll go on to the World Series,†said the mom I know as some kind of government contractor.â€Å"World Series?†you ask.â€Å"Of Poker,†she replied. â€Å"I went last year.†Whoa.(Petula Dvorak, White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Has Nothing on Suburban Fete. The Washington Post, May 3, 2012)How old are you? the man asked.The little boy, at the eternal question, looked at the man suspiciously for a minute and then said, Twenty-six. Eight hunnerd and forty eighty.His mother lifted her head from the book. Four, she said, smiling fondly at the little boy.Is that so? the man said politely to the little boy. Twenty -six. He nodded his head at the mother across the aisle. Is that your mother?The little boy leaned forward to look and then said, Yes, thats her.Whats your name? the man asked.The little boy looked suspicious again. Mr. Jesus, he said.(Shirley Jackson, The Witch. The Lottery and Other Stories. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1949) Direct Speech and Indirect Speech While direct speech purports to give a verbatim rendition of the words that were spoken, indirect speech is more variable in claiming to represent a faithful report of the content or content and form of the words that were spoken. It is important to note, however, that the question of whether and how faithful a given speech report actually is, is of a quite different order. Both direct and indirect speech are stylistic devices for conveying messages. The former is used as if the words being used were those of another, which are therefore pivoted to a deictic center different from the speech situation of the report. Indirect speech, in contrast, has its deictic center in the report situation and is variable with respect to the extent that faithfulness to the linguistic form of what was said is being claimed. (Florian Coulmas, Reported Speech: Some General Issues. Direct and Indirect Speech, ed. by F. Coulmas. Walter de Gruyter, 1986) Direct Speech as Drama When a speaking event is reported via direct speech forms, it is possible to include many features that dramatize the way in which an utterance was produced. The quotative frame can also include verbs which indicate the speakers manner of expression (e.g. cry, exclaim, gasp), voice quality (e.g. mutter, scream, whisper), and type of emotion (e.g. giggle, laugh, sob). It can also include adverbs (e.g. angrily, brightly, cautiously, hoarsely, quickly, slowly) and descriptions of the reported speakers style and tone of voice, as illustrated in [5]. [5a] I have some good news, she whispered in a mischievous way.[5b] What is it? he snapped immediately.[5c] Cant you guess? she giggled.[5d] Oh, no! Dont tell me youre pregnant he wailed, with a whining nasal sound in his voice. The literary style of the examples in [5] is associated with an older tradition. In contemporary novels, there is often no indication, other than separate lines, of which character is speaking, as the direct speech forms are presented like a dramatic script, one after the other. (George Yule, Explaining English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1998) Like: Signaling Direct Speech in Conversation An interesting new way of signaling direct speech has recently developed among younger English speakers and is spreading from the United States to Britain. This occurs entirely in spoken conversation, rather than in writing, . . . but here are some examples anyway. (It may help to imagine an American teenager speaking these examples.) - . . . Though the construction is new [in 1994] and not yet standard, its meaning is very clear. It seems to be used more often to report thoughts rather than actual speech. (James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students Guide. Cambridge University Press, 1994) Differences in Reported Speech Even in the days of audio and video recording, there can be surprising differences in direct quotations attributed to the same source. A simple comparison of the same speech event covered in different newspapers can illustrate the problem. When his country was not invited to a meeting of the Commonwealth of Nations in 2003, the president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, said the following in a televised speech, according to The New York Times: If our sovereignty is what we have to lose to be re-admitted into the Commonwealth, Mr. Mugabe was quoted as saying on Friday, we will say goodbye to the Commonwealth. And perhaps the time has now come to say so. (Wines 2003) And the following according to an Associated Press story in the Philadelphia Inquirer. If our sovereignty is to be real, then we will say goodbye to the Commonwealth, [sic; second quotation mark missing] Mugabe said in remarks broadcast on state television. Perhaps the time has come to say so. (Shaw 2003) Did Mugabe produce both versions of these comments? If he gave only one, which published version is accurate? Do the versions have different sources? Are the differences in the exact wording significant or not?(Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Style: The Uses of Language in Persuasion. Oxford University Press, 2011)
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Stereotype paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Stereotype paper - Essay Example Moreover, I believe that there is no afterlife because there seems to be no purpose in it and no one has proven it so far. I am prejudiced against these pastors who spread the so-called â€Å"Word of God†in order to convince their congregation to buy everything that they say simply out of faith and perhaps for their own benefit, even if that benefit were only a smug feeling of satisfaction that they have done something good or others have followed them. The more they assert their beliefs, the more they make me feel that it is just easy for them to say those things because they live rich lives and they are not exactly the ones suffering. I believe their convictions about God would be different if they were the ones waiting for their execution in Rwanda or dying of cholera in Sierra Leone. Nevertheless, I have realized that Peter Ditto of the University of California-Irvine was right in saying that â€Å"people are much more skeptical processors of information [that] they don’t want to believe†(â€Å"How Pre-existing Beliefs,†2012). Perhaps, my arguments were also flawed in that I have assumed that for God to exist, then He must be good, and that for heaven and the afterlife to make sense then they must at least require some proof. It appears that I was not able to consider the idea that God may exist but may be just and not kind, and He may have a purpose that I may not be able to comprehend. Moreover, the afterlife may really actually exist and that just because something does not have proof does not necessarily mean that it does not exist. Lastly, I may have committed the fallacy of argumentum ad hominem against pastors because I may have attacked them and their personal circumstances instead of their actual convictions (Walker, 2009). I may have unjustly assumed that they were rich and had good things happening around them all the time that is why I assumed that they would not be able to exactly understand how hard the poor
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Report Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report Critique - Assignment Example The Turnaround group of analysts considered the six best performing companies in the industry, which is indeed a reasonable number to regard in compiling the report. This piece of writing analyses the way out given by the explanation compiled by the team. The Turnaround research team’s idea of rating Lions Gate Entertainment’s company as the low performing firm is dreadfully precise considering the corporation’s portfolio diversification, leverage level, profitability and market allocation. Nevertheless, the firm performs highly in video production compared to other competitors. The Turnaround team therefore considered the overall industry performance, which is exceptionally plausible. The first six companies in the Motion Picture and Video production industry occupy the market focus. The top six companies comprises of 91.2% market absorption and experiences a fierce competition amongst themselves abandoning Lion’s Gate Entertainment Company with only 4.3% of the market allocation (Davidson et al 1) . High profitability in this established companies are caused by various factors ranging from the barriers imposed by the existing firms, buyers bargaining power, medium supplier power and the economies of scale enjoyed by the firms. The financial capabilities of the top six Motion Picture and Videos production companies have enabled them to acquire highly developed technologies and burly promotional networks thus covering a wider market. The monetary competence boosts the medium supplier power by using celebrities and creative artists in their Video production thus attracting larger crowd. Investors’ self-belief is also elevated on these companies due to a first-rate standing enjoyed by the enormous companies thus encouraging investments. The need to focus on the taste and fulfillment of the population is additionally important in attracting a huge customer base as explained by the team (Davidson et al 2-3). Lions Gate Entertainme nt Corporation should embark on having a large risk tolerance portfolio, which eventually increases investors’ confidence, and widening customer base. However, the increase of portfolio does not directly raise customer base as claimed by the report. The Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation should increase its investment in production in order to increase their profit margin as explained by the team. The larger firms seem to be investing much in video production thus increasing their income. This can also apply in the Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation for higher profitability. The fact that Lions Gate Entertainment Company has lower cost of production is not adequate since the team further explains the higher debt to equity ratio, which directly affects the net profit of the firm. The shareholders do not enjoy the dividends because a larger amount of profit is used to pay the debtors. The Lions Gate Entertainment firm cannot therefore use diversification strategy properly d ue to its fiscal incapacity. Furthermore, the financial inability makes the corporation have a low cost budget, which cannot be interpreted as efficiency due to diseconomies of scale. Although, Lions Gate has expanded its portfolios, it experiences an overall net loss due to its unprofitable subsidiaries thus reducing its dividends. The team suggestion that the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Madame Bovary :: essays research papers
Madame Bovary      Emma Bovary is a victim of her own foolish disposition fueled by her need for change, her incessant waiting for excitement to enter into her life, and her romantic nature. All of these things, plus her constant wavering of one extreme to another, also contributes to her suicide in the end. Throughout this story there are many vivid examples of her foolishness.      In the beginning of the story she has a desire to change around the house, some might say it is a stroke of individuality. The action is actually the first taste that we get of her incessant need for change. With every change that she makes, she is trying to find the happiness she is longing for.      When Emma found out that she was to have a child, she was excited. Emma particularly wanted a boy, because she thought that it would come along with new and exciting experiences. Once she had the child, it was not a boy, she quickly lost all interest in the child. An example of Emma’s fluctuation of moods is after Leon left (part II, chapter 6). Once he left to deem herself form the lack of love toward her husband, she became the model wife. Emma went from constantly thinking about another man to a woman that no one would dare even thinking about accusing her of even considering adultery.      There was also another moment when she decided to go see the priest at the church (part II, chapter 7) to seek spiritual guidance. The priest, however, seems to assume that all she needs is a cup of tea and sends her on her way. Once Emma gets home, her daughter seems to want to console Emma, but Emma just pushes her away and yells at the child to leave her alone. Emma pushes her so hard that the girl falls and cuts her head. Then Emma cries and yells frantically for the servant girl. As if she actually cares for the child and pretends that the child did it herself.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
God’s Business Man Essay
A successful Christian business man may sound like an oxymoron, but that was R. G LeTourneau. He built big, powerful machinery that could do things that no other machine could do before, but he also believes that a Christian business man owes as much to God as a preacher does (LeTourneau, 1967). Mr. LeTourneau states, â€Å"God needs businessmen as partners as well as preachers†(1967). Imagine a man becoming a very successful Christian business man, the founder of LeTourneau University, and a leader of many missionary works. The proceeding essay will discuss the man, his faith, and my personal reflection of R. G. LeTourneau. R. G. LeTourneau-The Man- Robert Gilmour LeTourneau (November 30, 1888 – June 1, 1969) was born in Richford, Vermont. R. G. Letourneau had little interest in a formal education, and left school at the young age of fourteen. While working in Portland, Organ at the East Portland Iron Works, as a machinist, he studied mechanics from an International Correspondence School, but never finished. Although he did not earn a formal education he did become famously know for earthmoving machinery, which he was granted hundreds of patents for his inventions. The bulldozer, bridge spans, scrapers of all sorts, rollers, dump wagons, the electric wheel, logging equipment, portable cranes, and many others are examples of his revolutionary inventions. R. G. LeTourneau always had a positive attitude, and did not quit when he faced problems. He prayed about the issues, reviewed them, and continued to work hard until he resolved the problems. R. G. LeTourneau once said â€Å"The only difference between can and can’t is a little extra effort†(1967). R. G. LeTourneau- His Faith-Mr. LeTourneau was also known to be a Christian business man that was very generous. He was the founder of a private Christian university, LeTourneau University, in Longview, Texas as well as a philanthropist to many Christian causes. His life’s verse was Matthew 6:33: â€Å"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (1967). He was the fourth child with five brothers and three sisters, and he was described as a restless, impulsive, energetic, determined, ambitious, and a hard worker. He clashed most with his father as a young boy. Later in life LeTourneua married Evelyn Peterson, and helped raise four boys and one daughter. When R. G. LeTourneau turned 30 he dedicated his life to God and did so for the next fifty years. He was respected by his employees and business par tners as a Christian business man. He worked personally alongside his employees, at the controls of his machines, and closely with business partners at corporate meetings. Mr. LeTourneau practiced his faith and communicated it with his employees and others by publishing a paper called NOW, and it reached others worldwide spreading his Christian message. R. G. LeTourneau- My Personal Reflection-Mr. LeTourneau said â€Å"When I visualize a 150-ton crane, I want to see it lift 10 ton the next morning†(1967). I have the same personality traits as Mr. LeTourneau, which is being determined and ambitious. I understand his motivation and vision for inventing new machines. I am personally doing this in my current position at work. I help others by showing them a new way to do things, and assist them with the design and commissioning of the ideas we envision. Another quote from LeTourneau states â€Å"If you waste dollars for me, it’s not too serious- I can make that up. But don’t waste my time – it can’t be recalled†(1967). I understand this quote, because I have learned that my time is very important and time management is imperative for me to be successful in my life, both professionally and personally. I have learned that R. G. LeTourneau was an amazing person, and one of his most impressionable accomplishments was that he founded LeTourneau University. I am filled with joy that I have chosen to earn my business degree from LETU, because I will not only earn my business degree, but will also develop my relationship with God. In conclusion, R. G. LeTourneau â€Å"God’s Businessman†was truly an amazing person. He was a great inventor of earthmoving equipment as well as a generous Christian philanthropist. He founded a private Christian university named LeTourneau University, and conference grounds that carry his name. He believed that God came first and everything else will follow. Mr. LeTourneau was a hardworking man, who preferred to spend his time at the drawing board or spending time on the factory floor with his workers, than live the high-life with other successful businessmen. R. G. LeTourneau suffered a stroke in March 1969, which he never recovered from, and died on June 1, 1969. LeTourneau is known for his earth moving equipment, but will be remembered as â€Å"God’s Businessman†.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Spanning the Globe Essay - 1106 Words
Case Study: Spanning the Globe Problem Identification: Tex-Mark, a company that was started in the late 1970’s, is a manufacturer of printer and optical scanner in the United States and across the globe. Tex Mark has expanded their operations to be split between their HQ office in San Antonio, TX and moved product development, sales and distribution to other parts of the globe. It has operations in countries such as Australia, Brazil France, India Israel and Hong Kong. The company takes employees: expatriates, and places them within those countries to run their engineering operations abroad. Tex Mark has developed a training program for these expatriates before their decent into international territory to ensure that they are†¦show more content†¦In order to implement cost effective procedure, Juanita Roberto, the Vice President for Human Resources Department, is trying to get rid of the training process all together and create definite time restraints for certain projects (Allen D Engle Sr, 2004). This idea hinders sol ution for the real issue of not having the proper training program in place prior to the expatriates departure therefore an extension on a per project basis is needed and more funding is required, after the fact. Removal of the training, rather than embellishing its importance will only hurt the projects overseas and make the expatriates less productive. Situation Analysis: Tactical vs Strategic In presenting the idea of a new and innovative training program to the VP and Human Resources Director there are two ways Eric can approach it. The tactical approach would expand and formalize the pre-departure training, especially for the operation that is being moved and set up in China in the very near future. Language training, classes on cultural jargon and communication needs to be a large portion of the pre-departure training. An introduction into the barriers and other ways to communicate may make it easier for the expatriate to communicate within the community upon arrival. The tactical way to look at the next assignment is a look into reality; in this case communication is key. The strategic presentation of such a program and the issueShow MoreRelatedSpanning the Globe1717 Words  | 7 PagesExecutive Summary This paper analyzes the case – spanning the globe, which helps understand the various HR issues faced by Mr. Eric Christopher who is the Associate Director for Global HR Development at Tex-Mark. Tex-Mark is a computer input and output manufacturing firm with its head office in San Antonio. 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