Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh - 1284 Words
Perhaps one of the earliest pieces of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh is a tale about a Mesopotamian king named Gilgamesh who crudely dominates the natural world surrounding his gleaming society. Juxtaposing Gilgamesh’s godlike stature, Enkidu is a wild beast used to counterbalance the king in a literary sense. The hierarchical dichotomy expressed in the epic has appeared thematically within numerous mediums, including the revered artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Raised in the Lower East Side (LES) of Manhattan, Basquiat created art that harshly critiqued the status of black individuals in America during the late 20th century. In particular, two of Basquiat’s paintingsâ€â€Untitled and Irony of Negro Policemanâ€â€parallel the domineering†¦show more content†¦Yet, when the gods learn that the king is a crazed despot, they decide to challenge his influence. Forged using raw clay, Enkidu is Gilgamesh’s near equal. Living in the untamed woods surrou nding Uruk, Enkidu is raised by animals and causes significant issues for the king’s subjects. Created from the earth, the savage is born and shaped by natural forcesâ€â€until a prostitute is sent into the wilderness to tame him. During the Mesopotamian era that Gilgamesh was written, women were considering a calming force. Lusting for sex has always been part of the human condition, and Enkidu is unable to resist assimilation. The animals who raised the beast begin to reject him, causing Enkidu to divorce nature and embark on a journey to confront the king’s rumored excess. After a brawl, Enkidu and Gilgamesh settle their differences and become companions throughout the remainder of the epic. Enkidu’s friendship does not calm Gilgamesh entirely, who is nevertheless eager to affect his will over nature. Admittedly, the connection thus far between Gilgamesh and Basquiat is seemingly ambiguous; however, a closer inspection of the LES reveals several immediate similarities. Basquiat’s neighborhood was once occupied by the native American Lenape tribe, which existed until the Dutch rapidly colonized the region. Traditionally considered an â€Å"immigrant†Show MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Analysis1436 Words  | 6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh –Summary and analysis Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is an excerpt of the original text of the Epic listed in the Sources of the Western Tradition, 5th edition, by Perry, Peden and Von Laue (2003). 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